The photographer steals an instant from the past, creating a secret reality to be shared only with the viewer.
Ian McIntosh is a photographic artist resident in Sweden since 2003, currently documenting the beautiful West coast.
"My work spans a variety of genres, ranging from classic black and white fine art and street photography to avant-garde digital techniques.
Key themes for my recent expressions include street and documentary scenes from the Swedish west coast, Sardinia (Italy) and Dublin (Ireland)
together with infra-red film photography and abstract 'slit-scanning' digital studio works." (interview 2022)
I'm pleased to announce that two of my images were selected for display in the gallery of the Halland Museum of Cultural History
located in the famous coastal fortress in Varberg.
The four month exhibition came to a close in January 2023.
Currently interviewing for a secretarial assistant to deal with growing demand for what will be an international business in 2025.
(Jag kan ju prata svenska e anche italiano). Must be 110% trustworthy dealing with high-profile clients and post.
Would you or your family be interested to sit as portrait model/s?
I'm currently seeking volunteers to pose for artistic black and white portraits either in natural outdoor
settings or indoors with creative lighting to model costume jewellery, clothing and other designs.
Shooting is always ongoing on a PFT (prints for time) basis so it costs you nothing other than your time,
but places are very limited so contact me with basic details and a selfie or two if you would like to participate!
Prints for Time basically means that as a professional photographer I don't pay the model to pose and subject to
your agreement retain full worldwide copyright to use and or remix the images in my own promotional material.
The model is allowed to choose one or two images to which they are granted a copyright release on a
country, region or worlwide basis subject to express written agreement.
New for 2024 my small home studio and gallery will be open for private visits by arrangement and on published open days. View a curated selection of my framed works and discuss their origin and interpretation over a cup of coffee!
I'm also running a series of introductory workshops on film photography and development, low-key portraiture, slit-scanning portraits and cyanotype printing. See the events board below for specific dates.
Many of my real silver-gelatin photo prints are available to purchase; please see the gallery section for selected examples of my work. Each print is carefully developed on selected photo paper and individually signed and numbered on the reverse, at a negotiable price per print to include packing and postage for exclusive or non-exclusive use.
A strictly limited number of my personally curated images are currently available to purchase in digital form as authenticated NFT assets, on and
To achieve an authentic vintage look in my work I use a small selection of antique cameras, each carefully cleaned and adjusted. They range from soviet-era 35mm rangefinder cameras to Pentax and Nikon equipment from the 1970's. For medium-format images I choose from German and Japanese twin-lens (TLR) cameras that date from the late 1930's to 1950's.
Each of my films is developed in my home workshop using environmentally-friendly methods. My developer of choice for almost all films is known as Caffenol, created from coffee, vitamin C and other easily-obtained ingredients. All products of the development and printing processes are carefully recycled and pose no threat to the environment. As a creative artist I have invented a number of new and innovative techniques for black and white film development, drawing from natural sources and materials to lend a unique perspective to my artwork.
In recent years I formulated the 'Lingonol'™ development solution - a sharp yet forgiving film and paper developer that draws its active ingredients from the familiar red berry that is held close to the McIntosh clan heritage.
To order prints, sponsor or for further information:
Phone: On Application